Saturday, July 11, 2009

What is Alcohol Addiction? Does Help Really Exist?

First of all we need to take a close look at what alcohol really is and what it does to us, both mentally, physically and spiritually. Now I say spiritually for those of us that believe in something rather than themselves, like the Creator, God or any other supreme force. So if you don't have a spiritual side, things will be a lot more difficult in understanding the control that alcohol has over us turning the alcohol into your answer to what life has to throw at us.

Typically alcohol used in connection with a variety of other activies such as gambling, drugs or smoking and the one thing that all these have in common is that they are all addictive. When we become addicted, especially to drugs or alcohol, we fail to recognize how the substance is destroying our life because we are in the middle of the destruction with our eyes closed.

Not everyone will understand my point of view if I present it in a purely spiritual sense so I will try to attempt to appeal to everyone's intellectual side. We all have an inner voice that guides us in our decision making and we have the option to listen to that voice and make good decisions or disregard that voice; if you believe in something a bit greater than yourself, a Creator or a God, you are one step closer to winning your battle against your addictions.

If you desire to quit there are a variety of support groups available, both religious and non, that can help you through the difficult times ahead. If you have found a support group already then I congratulate you on making the right decision and hope you find the comfort and support that you desire.

There are millions of people out there who are going through what you are and if you need help you can count on me as one of your supporters. If you believe in yourself and have faith that there is someone greater than yourself you can rely on that strength as well. Don't let fear of change hold you back, whether your decision is a public or private one please know you can rely on me, Ed Philips, to help you on the path to understanding what alcohol is and how you can stop the addiction today.

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